Elevating market
research for property

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Who we are

We are a group of experienced property professionals from a range of capabilities that together have developed a market-leading solution for the measurement of sentiment within the property industry.

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Our approach

Prescient Voice provides cutting edge market research, and revolutionises insights and decisions across property sectors.



Every step of the research process has been reimagined, from candidate selection, data capture, data analysis and findings. Your data quality is optimised beyond traditional research methods, ensuring that the findings you use to direct your business are robust.



We leverage new technologies now commonplace in physical environments to measure visitor behaviours and their perceptions. Technology innovation means our tools are faster, stronger and more cost effective than typical surveys and tools.

Data Science

Data Science

Your data is processed to deliver intelligent, diagnostic insights that help to reveal the untold stories of every customer experience. This enhances the value of findings and helps to pollinate insights across your business and stakeholders.

Our difference

Technology allows us to go beyond surveys and measure experiences down to the smallest micro-moments in the customer journey. That’s why we process a range of data sources to help evaluate and diagnose experience, like behavioural, demographic and perceptual data.

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